Evaluation & Assessment

The Evaluation and Assessment department within OCCE provides the following services related to the DEI efforts:

  • Lead content, design, quality, processes and procedures for new and existing assessment products and services 
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive program of assessment for the purpose of institutional improvements and effectiveness 
  • Develop effective strategies for the assessment of key success indicators for the Culture pillar 
  • Analyze assessment methods and results, as well as reporting results to internal and external stakeholders

Need support with evaluating or assessing your DEI efforts? Please contact us to schedule a consultation at [email protected].

DEI Evaluation and Assessment Framework Background

Key components of a DEI evaluation plan

An evaluation and assessment plan for DEI initiatives serves as a framework for measuring the effectiveness, progress and impact of DEI efforts.

  1. Program/intervention description, goals & purpose: Describe the overall program, its intended goals and purpose. 
  2. Evaluation questions: Evaluation questions are the high-level questions that an evaluation is designed to answer. Determining a key set of evaluation questions makes it easier to determine what data to collect and how to analyze it.
    1. Example evaluation questions: 
      1. Who did our program reach? 
      2. Why do participants enter or leave the program?
      3. Did cultural competency increase among participants following the program?
  3. Evaluation framework and design: Determine whether a formative evaluation (during program implementation) or summative evaluation (after program completion) is most appropriate. 
  4. Evaluation Methods and Data Analysis plan:
    1. Evaluation design should be appropriate to the evaluation questions and cultural context.
    2. Determine the specific indicators and measures that will be used to assess the program’s progress and impact. These may include demographic data, participant satisfaction ratings, changes in knowledge and attitudes, behavior change, organizational outcomes or any other relevant measures. 
    3. Outline data collection strategies that include a mix of quantitative and qualitative data. Data can be collected through a variety of ways such as surveys, focus groups, questionnaires, key informant interviews and observations.
  5. Dissemination plan: Determine how participants will be engaged throughout the evaluation process, which includes sharing findings and using the information to make improvements.

U-M Data Sources relevant to DEI work

Data Source DescriptionResource Links
The University of Michigan Asks You (UMAY) Survey
An annual survey of enrolled undergraduates is conducted during the Winter term along with other highly-ranked research universities in order to broaden our understanding of the undergraduate student experience.
UMAY Overview

2022 Student Summary Report
Michigan Engineering Climate Survey Results:
Michigan Engineering completed the university-wide climate survey conducted by U-M’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) in the fall of 2017 and 2021. ODEI worked with SoundRocket, a third-party vendor, to administer the survey and significant measures were taken to safeguard the confidentiality of all respondents.
2017 and 2021 Michigan Engineering Climate Survey Reports
University of Michigan Office of Budget & Planning Campus-Wide Reports
A comprehensive list of student, faculty and staff reports
Office of Budget & Planning | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Data Resources.
The ADVANCE Program publishes a series of interactive dashboards that contain a large amount of demographic and descriptive data about the University of Michigan Faculty across academic units.
Interactive Institutional Data


Amanda Milliken

Amanda Milliken

Assistant Director of Evaluation & Assessment

Contact Amanda at [email protected]